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Leading MTSP Proactively Conducts Web site Audits to Enhance Cybersecurity


MICHIGAN – September 23, 2024 - Abadata a leading Managed Technology Services Provider (MTSP), is taking proactive steps to secure its customers' networks by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities on their websites. As businesses increasingly rely on their online presence, ensuring the security and compliance of their websites has become crucial.

Abadata's comprehensive website audits provide clients with the peace of mind that their online platforms are secure, compliant, and optimized for performance.

While many MTSPs cover a wide range of IT and tech services, websites often fall outside their purview. However, Abadata recognizes that when something goes wrong with a website, it can have significant implications for a business. With their website audits, Abadata bridges this gap by offering a service that identifies and mitigates potential risks, ensuring that clients are fully protected. “At a minimum, MTSPs should be educating their clients about website vulnerabilities so they can shore them up quickly, or at least have a clear understanding of the risks they’re taking,” stated Dave Wineman, President of Abadata. “Our aim is to educate, clarify and help our clients prioritize website improvements that will protect their profitability.”

Abadata's website audits are designed to highlight various vulnerabilities that could expose a business to cyber threats. From identifying outdated versions of content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, Wix, Shopify and Squarespace to uncovering insecure third-party plugins, Abadata educates its customers on the specific risks they face. For example, using an old version of WordPress or adding unverified plugins can lead to hacking incidents or data breaches, due to oversights from long-forgotten third parties. Without proactive management, businesses might find themselves asking, "How did my website get hacked if my IT is being taken care of?”

Typically, this is due to the fact that most businesses launch their website long before they hire an MTSP to manage their IT and that aspect of the business remains isolated from the regular management and optimization capacities of the MTSP. However, Abadata has launched this service to take further responsibility for the well-being of its clients.

In addition to technical vulnerabilities, Abadata also addresses legal compliance issues. For example, websites that lack a clear privacy policy or fail to meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance can open businesses up to lawsuits, particularly in states like California, Florida, and New York.

In recent years, regulators have gotten tougher on organizations that lack these compliance requirements which is why it’s imperative for Abadata to ensure that customers are aware of these risks and to help them take the necessary steps to mitigate them. In a recent website audit conducted by Abadata for a staffing company, they found several key areas for improvement:

• Security: While the site used HTTPS for secure communication, it was built on WordPress, which, although generally secure when up to date, is the most frequently attacked Content Management   System. The site also relied on multiple plugins, increasing its exposure to vulnerabilities.

• Performance and Design: The site also scored poorly on performance. The most common design issue is an unnecessary amount of JavaScript and CSS which leads to a significant slowdown, which can deter visitors who are tired of waiting for the website to load properly. Inefficient site structures cause an increase in loading times because of the requirements to parse, compile, and execute code that does nothing but add bloat.

• Legal Considerations: The audit revealed that the site did not pass ADA compliance checks and lacked a privacy policy in the footer—two critical factors that could lead to legal challenges. One key note about these website audits is the vulnerabilities are often very simple to fix. While some issues are a bit more complicated to resolve, the majority can be resolved rather quickly with the help of a qualified IT administrator/developer.

One telltale sign that a business is working with an IT team who is capable of resolving these sorts of issues, is if they’re proactively educating the business owner with information like this on a regular basis. To request a complimentary website audit, please (989) 883-3411 or visit www.abadata.com.

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Abadata has over 35 years experience with Graphic Design, Social Media and Web Development.

We offer expert advice on strategies tailored to your business to help digitally grow and protect your digital imprint.
